Sunday, April 18, 2010

BEWARE, Brothers - Stowell Has Escaped!

Thought Criminal, Enemy to the People, Unperson - STOWELL - has escaped from Miniluv. It is believed that Stowell has innerparty accomplices bent on destroying our glorious leader. Beware, Citizens, Beware. Stowell is a traitor of the most extreme caliber, and counts among his supporters many traitorous "students." These criminals are a threat to our beloved leader and to our continued way of life.

Stowell and his accomplices will urge you to think on your own. Their message is simple: Question Authority, think for yourself. Do not trust the left. Do not trust the right. Even their motto contradicts our very existence:

Ownself is Freedom

The followers of Stowell are dangerous. They believe in free will, love of man, action through thought. They are thinkers, comrades, the most dangerous of criminals. BEWARE!

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